domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Dogs Policy

By Dimas Jack
Those working little are those who take advantage of the policy

I have seen, I have felt and what I experienced the discomfort caused by the policy in our country.
When you get involved with sincerity and does everything within reach is to show that if you can make the necessary changes in ourselves and in our country, but the most incredible is that your opponent is not a political neighbor if environment yourself, which is said to be an ally and supporter, who draw their claws of hungry lions, and their sharp knives to blaspheme who dares raise his voice for equality and respect for our country and its people, weirdest thing in our Peruvian politics.

I lived close to the mistreatment and racism, people who are still practicing cronyism and luster draw with title in hand and a flannel for good measure to satisfy the ego of his master, these people know camouflage, knows how to charm their political and these, as they are untouchable in their feast creendose give their approval for his string of hungry wolves enter in through the open door and unhindered, continue eating the flesh of a naive state.

So much evil for a job, indeed they could, because if you want to get you one, you have to be very smart, know how to move the tail, howling know when lift up the bone, say amen to know if you are not religious, being deaf and dumb, and continually thank your employer, because only he has total control of the political situation and of your submission.

About you if you get uppity and want to translate your knowledge won cleanly after eight years of study with a master included, that boss who was appointed politically, will become your enemy by logic, by envy, and not hesitate to stone you, by sending As memoranda presented to the occasion and eliminate you, for daring to be better and want to change the political and administrative system.

Who understands the politicians?

Good is the question asked by humble mothers, the elderly, children and young talented every day looking for an explanation to this sad reality.

The average response is that the 25 million Peruvians still confused by this mystery.
But the other 05 million are those who know the answer and live with it forever, These are the same politicians, big business and the elite, hard hearts that only make laws to suit you, for their companies, their own benefits general, made a lot of milk with the state's own resources and generate heirs in perpetuity, to continue suckling, and if some poor wretch, is closer to that udder punish you, morally, psychologically and physically, and they simply will be a terrorist trying to steal your feedlot.

If I knew the answer the 25 million compatriots, insurance that their lives would change, would own large mines that exist in the ground, would be successful entrepreneurs with mega factories within its own region, change the landscape, Andean, would become the pope and the thousands of products out there in our rich country. La Selva would do the same people would benefit from their original timber areas, forests would be reforested and respected, had countless successes, if only they would open their eyes to the sad reality that momentarily blinded, with big iron curtain, as is television, radios, newspapers, all published from a small palace and millionaire people, that we are inundated with trash and involve us in their own causes, provided they keep us divided and reinándonos, with an eternal smile of our fights and serious errors.

Solution to our problems:

Nothing is the same, many people lost everything, you just need a breath of life and do a little hope for change in power and those who are the majority have the courage to grab the pan, the pan and practice it with intelligence, for suffice to say, which interfere with the development of every Peruvian, must be put in place that corresponds, in a sewer bone inviting place for all corrupt and corrupters rats with forgiveness of that animal.

If today you are encouraged to make a great social revolution against the corrupt, hunger and those who claim to work for the welfare of our country, just an answer, let them go to the bandshell to eat their rich shrimp.

The poor are not pawns of anybody, times change today forever.

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